50 good manners


 Good manners are Very Important for maintaining respectful and considerate interactions with others. Here's a list of 50 good manners:

Say "please" and "thank you."

Greet people with a smile and a friendly "hello."

Hold the door open for others.


Listen actively and show interest in what others are saying.

Keep your phone on silent in public places.

Use your phone discreetly when in the company of others.

Apologize when you make a mistake or hurt someone's feelings.

Don't talk loudly in quiet or public places.

Respect personal space and boundaries.

Keep noise levels down in residential areas during quiet hours.

Use "I'm sorry" instead of "excuse me" when asking someone to repeat themselves.

Offer your seat to the elderly, disabled, or pregnant on public transportation.

Say "please" and "thank you" to service staff.

Use utensils and napkins properly at the dining table.

Don't speak with your mouth full.

Keep your elbows off the table while eating.

Use appropriate table conversation during meals.

Hold the elevator for someone trying to catch it.

Offer assistance when someone appears to be in need.

Wait your turn in line or when queuing.

RSVP promptly to invitations.

Maintain good hygiene and grooming.

Say "bless you" when someone sneezes.

Give your full attention during meetings and conversations.

Keep your promises and commitments.

Cover your mouth and nose when yawning.


Offer your seat to someone in need, like the elderly or pregnant women.

Use "excuse me" when you need to get someone's attention or pass by.

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

Avoid interrupting others when they're speaking.

Use "please" and "thank you" when making requests.

Acknowledge emails and messages promptly.

Keep public restrooms clean and tidy.

Use "pardon me" when you accidentally bump into someone.

Wait for others to finish speaking before responding.

Avoid discussing sensitive topics at inappropriate times.

Don't monopolize conversations or make everything about you.

Be a good host or guest by showing appreciation and respect in social settings.

Avoid public displays of affection in inappropriate settings.

Use respectful language and avoid offensive or derogatory comments.

Respect other people's time by being punctual.

Don't play loud music or TV in shared spaces.

Be patient and kind to customer service representatives.

Avoid gossiping or spreading rumors.

Keep your language and gestures appropriate for the situation.

Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow.

Give compliments and express appreciation genuinely.

Respect other people's opinions, even if you disagree.

Offer assistance to someone carrying heavy bags.

Avoid taking phone calls during social gatherings.

Practicing these good manners can contribute to more harmonious and respectful social interactions.

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